7 Questions to Ask Your Next Employer

The hiring manager asks a lot of questions during the interview process. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to ask your own questions to your next employer. These questions help you see whether a position is truly a good fit for you and your goals. Sometimes a job sounds great on paper, but in practice, it ends up being a mismatch. By finding out this information before you accept an offer, you can make the best decision for your needs.
Why did my predecessor leave the position?
If you’re replacing a person who previously held the job, find out why they decided to leave it. The employer may not have a lot of information about it, depending on if they have exit interviews or other information sources indicating the reasons. However, you may be able to learn about potential challenges that you haven’t considered previously.
What does success look like in this position and how do you measure it?
Many organizations track success metrics as a way of measuring employee productivity and performance. When you know what these characteristics are, you can determine whether you’d perform favorably under those conditions. Another factor to consider is the position’s learning curve. If you spend four months getting up to speed on their policies, procedures and practices, then it could take a long time to attain good productivity.
How do supervisors provide feedback?
Are you the type of person who needs frequent feedback to know that you’re on the right track, or would you prefer a yearly review instead? If each manager or team lead chooses their own method, ask if you can talk to them before deciding on a job offer.
What are the company’s values and how are those represented in the day-to-day operations?
Many people enjoy working for an employer that they can be proud of. The organization’s mission and values, and the way that these come through in your daily work duties, can make a big difference in your job satisfaction. While you can find out some of this information on the company’s website and through their content, getting it in the context of their company culture is invaluable.
What can I realistically achieve in the first six months?
If an employer has unrealistic expectations on your performance as you’re learning the role, it may be a bad fit. You can end up getting stressed out due to these requirements, and you’ll never make the performance hurdle, which is really a lose-lose for everyone.
Are there professional development opportunities?
It’s difficult to grow your career when you don’t have upward mobility within an organization. While moving from company to company is an option as you gain more experience in your field, being able to have professional development opportunities where you are is helpful.
What are your most and least favorite parts of working with this organization?
Get a candid response about the high and low points of working with a company straight from the hiring manager. You can learn more about the positives of the work environment, as well as potential drawbacks that are only known to someone who has been with the business for some time.
The interview process goes beyond figuring out if you’re a good fit for the company. It’s also an opportunity to determine whether the company meets your standards for a quality workplace. These seven questions help you open up communication with the hiring manager for your own evaluation.
Do you have other questions you’ve asked that have helped you better evaluate a job opportunity and your fit to it? Comment below or email us at flow@fluidstance.com.
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