- On the Level -

Britnee Kent is passionate about nutrition, fitness, and living an active, healthy lifestyle. A student at BYU Hawaii, she is majoring in Exercise Science with a minor in business. Britnee focuses on finding balance in her life, believing that movement is...
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Many places offer a diverse range of opportunities for adults to stay active. But once the cold weather hits, it can be more difficult for many of us to keep moving. Combine the dropping temperatures with the holidays and an...
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Every January, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), brings together the biggest and best names in electronics to excite you with gadgets, gizmos, and other neat inventions. This year, we combed through both awesome and wacky tech to find the best of the...
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As part of Pledge 1%, FluidStance donates 1% of each sale and 1% of company equity to First Descents®, a non-profit whose mission is to provide free outdoor adventure experiences for young adults fighting, and living with, cancer. We recently spoke...
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In our latest edition of our What Moves You series, we meet Lindsey Bomgren, a group fitness and barre instructor, personal trainer, healthy recipe creator, and the blogger behind Nourish Move Love. She believes that physical motion sets life in motion, a philosophy...
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