Founder, CEO & Working Mom of Zen Media Reflects on how her purpose is to create opportunities for others

Shama Hyde and Son
In the fourth installment of FluidStance's tribute to Working Moms, Henry Heath, Age 11, interviews Founder and CEO of Zen Media and Henry Crown Fellow (Aspen Institute), Shama Hyde .

Henry: The biggest question I would love to know about you is what is your motivation as a person and how do you do everything at work and home. My Dad says I am asking about your "Why?" So I guess, I would love to know Why are you so driven to be an amazing CEO and Mom?

Shama:  I like creating opportunities for others. Especially, economic opportunities. The work we do enables people to put food on their tables and care for their families. I like that feeling. It wasn't always this way. When I was younger, the company was much more about me and what I wanted to get out of it. Today, I take a more expansive view and think about how I can serve those I work with and for. I have so much more appreciation for our clients who trust us to serve them. 

HenryMy second question is what is a life hack that you would recommend to working moms?

Shama: At work, we accept support teams and systems because…how would we get anything done without them? At home, we somehow think we need to do it alone or even just with our partners. I love the idea of ordinary life admin. A service like Duckbill for example is a great way to integrate that work support into your home life! 

HenryMy last question is what is/would be your favorite FluidStance product to help you work with more flow in your life?

Shama: Ooh, I have a few! I love FluidStance products because I don't have to sacrifice design for function. People always ask me where I got them. I love taking calls on my Level Balance Board, and my kids love writing on the Slope Desk Whiteboard when they are in my office. I love giving FluidStance products as gifts for clients and employees too. It makes for such a chic present. 

HenryI lied, my other last question is, what is any product that you would recommend for a "Working Mom Approved Gift Guide?" It can be anything, doesn't have to do FluidStance

Shama: A basic timer! I keep a kitchen timer on my desk and it helps me to focus on tasks without getting too distracted. :). 

Henry: Maybe we should send you FluidStance's 108 Timer. 108 seconds to step away from your keyboard and simply breathe.
Fluidstance Accessories 108 Focus Timer

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