- On the Level -

Harness the Power of Movement: Elevate Your Health with Walking, Running, and FluidStance

In an age where sedentary lifestyles dominate, introducing consistent movement into our daily routines isn't just beneficial—it's essential for sustaining health and vitality, even beyond or daily workout routines walking and running. Recognizing this, FluidStance has pioneered an innovative solution that seamlessly integrates movement into your workday with our meticulously designed balance boards.

Our balance boards aren't just about standing; they're about moving. By engaging in subtle, continuous motions, you activate core muscles, enhance posture, and boost metabolic rates, mirroring the physiological benefits of walking and running, but within the confines of your office. This not only helps in reducing the risks associated with prolonged sitting but also enhances mental alertness and productivity.

Benefits of a FluidStance Balance Board:

  • Increased Energy Expenditure: Like walking or running, using a balance board at your desk increases your body's energy use, which can help in maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Core Strength and Posture: Regular use of our balance boards leads to improved core strength and posture by encouraging constant micro-adjustments in your stance.
  • Mental Clarity and Productivity: The gentle motion provided by the balance board keeps the mind engaged, helping you maintain focus and productivity throughout the day.

Embrace the FluidStance way and transform your workday into an opportunity for wellness. It's time to step onto a balance board and step up your health game, one subtle sway at a time.

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Desk Plank Challenge: Core Power with FluidStance Wobble Board
Our fourth installment in the Desk Workout series introduces an invigorating twist on the traditional plank exercise, specifically designed to be performed with the FluidStance balance board. This video demonstrates how to effectively use the balance board to add an extra layer of challenge to your planks, significantly enhancing core stabilization. Tailored for individuals with standing desks, this workout is ideal for strengthening your core muscles during your workday, contributing to better posture and overall body balance.
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Desk Squat Mastery with FluidStance Balance Board: Office Fitness Boost
Our third video in the Desk Workout series focuses on the versatile desk squat, an effective exercise to strengthen your core and lower body using the FluidStance balance board. Ideal for standing desk users, this routine demonstrates how to perform squats safely and efficiently while working. This exercise not only improves posture and stability but also enhances overall fitness, making it a perfect addition to your daily office routine.
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Hamstring Desk Exercise - Desk Pop-Up Workout
In the second installment of our Popup Desk Workout series, we introduce an innovative way to strengthen your hamstrings right at your desk. This video demonstrates easy-to-follow exercises using the FluidStance balance board, specifically designed to target hamstring muscles. These exercises are perfect for busy professionals looking to maintain fitness while working, ensuring a stronger, more balanced lower body without leaving your desk.
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Improve Your Balance - Pop Up Workouts at Your Desk
Discover the benefits of integrating FluidStance's balance board into your desk routine with our latest video guide. Learn how standing on one foot while working can not only enhance your balance and core strength but also boost focus, improve posture, and inject physical activity into your workday. Our easy-to-follow tutorial demonstrates effective techniques to seamlessly incorporate this ergonomic tool into your office setup, transforming your work experience into a healthier, more dynamic journey.
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