- On the Level -

FluidStance Founder & CEO Joel Heath made an appearance last week on Business Rockstars, a content producer focused on featuring CEOs, startups, and entrepreneurs. Joel spoke with host Pat O’Brien about everything from the inception of FluidStance and his innovation process, to the key to a...
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Today is World Yoga Day, and our team at FluidStance has collaborated with Desk Yogi to add some more zen to your workday! If you’re battling tension, soothing stress, or looking to boost your workplace performance, step onto your Level to practice...
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Hi there! My name is Katherine and this is my real-time, 5 day “diary” of sorts. It’s my take on being new to a standing desk and being new to the FluidStance Level®. Full disclosure: I am part of the...
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Creativity can be elusive… and that’s bad news for those of us who rely on our creativity every.single.day. Just because we want and need to be creative doesn’t mean great ideas faithfully appear in our morning coffee. Sitting around all day forcing our brains into submission...
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