- On the Level -
Does your job require you to sit for long periods of time? If you answered yes, you need to know how to sit properly at your desk to minimize the adverse effects of sitting on your body. The human body...
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When standing desks were first introduced, they quickly gained attention, and now they are more popular than ever. Employees who work on a computer all day are tired of dealing with the chronic back and neck pain of sitting for...
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I recently had the opportunity to play hooky from FluidStance. I tagged along on my youngest son’s journey to the Jersey Mike’s Junior Lifeguard National Championships. It is essentially a day-long decathlon of beach challenges for junior lifeguards who have...
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I am a data nerd. Or at least a gear junkie for things that feed data. Or maybe I am just self-centered because I want more info about me. Regardless if it is self-centered or whole-centered, the insight-driven wearable revolution...
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It’s hard to think of self-care and work mentioned in one sentence. Most people’s concept of self-care involves the use of free time and leisure. However, practicing self-care in the workplace can transform you into a more productive and motivated...
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